What is MetaCommunication?

In its simplest form, ‘Metacommunication’ is:

Talking About Talking; Writing about writing; even listening about listening. Putting it even more simply, it’s communicating about communicating.

Long before it was highjacked by social media companies, the prefix ‘meta’ seems to have originated from the ancient Greeks and it meant ‘beyond,’ ‘about’ or ‘after’ and the etymology (origin) of the word ‘communication’ comes from the Latin meaning ‘to share.’

Search for ‘metacommunication’ online and you’ll find a lot of different definitions including a few people who say it only has to do with interpreting nonverbal cues like body language and tone of voice. This is far too simplistic and doesn’t get to the root of ‘transformative communication’ through understanding the metacommunication process and principles. Those superficial definitions that focus only on nonverbal cues are woefully incomplete and will likely result in short-term ‘fixes’ for long-term problems.

In essence, metacommunication is an organized, evidence-based process that involves improving perception of the sender and receiver as messages and information are transmitted. Meta communication also assists with helping the practitioner improve their ability to channel their thoughts, feelings and judgments during the communication into productive responses when dealing with others, whether pleasant or difficult.

So, What Makes you (Cameron Clark) an Expert in Metacommunication?

I am not an ‘expert’ nor do I use the term to describe what I do in Metacommunication. Use of the word ‘expert’ implies perfection or some sort of finished product. Instead, I’ve chosen ‘specialist’ as a way of conveying to others that I am still learning, practicing, searching and experimenting with various concepts and principles related to effective communication while teaching others.

Though I’ve spent over 25 years of my professional and academic experience studying, learning and applying metacommunication principles and concepts and continually keeping records on the results, I am still a pupil of the subject. What I have concluded from years of searching is that there are certain concepts and principles that are nearly universal to the subject of human communication that can help those struggling to improve their own skills.

However, during the process of learning and discovery, I have organized powerful and impactful principles and systems geared primarily toward improving communication between individuals.

How Can a Metacommunication specialist help me or my organization?

Part of the answer to this question depends on you. You may feel your interpersonal, writing and public speaking skills are adequate, if not excellent to not warrant the assistance of someone like me. However, what are the results to your efforts?

Are you connecting with others as result of these communication efforts or are the recipients still left confused or even agitated? Despite your best efforts, are you finding the results lead to greater conflict between you and the recipient?

Perhaps all really is well with you and your communication efforts, but you know someone, or an organizational leader or even the organization itself in need of a professional who can take the communication process that is occurring between parties, review and analyze it and then discover the problem(s) to work together to find a solution. If that is the case, I’d like to hear from you or from those in need of that assistance. Referrals are always appreciated.

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